
December 29, 2004

What are some good Home Based Businesses to Start

Starting a home based business should be given careful thought before you jump into something. Here's some things to consider:

What would you like to improve in your life?


  1. Spend more time with family
  2. Take more vacations, experience the world
  3. Improve yourself
  4. Help others
  5. Protect our planet
  6. Enjoy a healthier life


  1. Earn more income
  2. Pay off Debt
  3. Own your own home
  4. Become truly financially independent
  5. Income for retirement


  1. Be your own boss
  2. Enjoy your work
  3. Feel like your doing something that matters
  4. Be recognized for your achievements
  5. Free to make your own choices

Are you running hard and going nowhere?

Job loss 2.3 million jobs lost in the US since 2001
Growing Debt Credit card debt and college tuitions continue to skyrocket
Dwindling Savings 62% of Americans will retire with less than $10,000 per year

Is there a way out?

Inherit a fortune
Win the Lottery
55 million to 1 odds
Get a second or third job
Start your won business from scratch
Requires significant capital, high risk of failure

There is a better way...

The Barefoot Fast Start to Success way

  • The ability to earn UNLILMITED INCOME- with tax advantage potential of a home-based business
  • Take CONTROL of your life
  • Spend more time with FAMILY
  • EXPAND your life experiences
  • Do something that MATTERS
  • Have FUN at the same time

As I wrote in my family Christmas letter this year...

I have settled into a very nice relaxing routine in my business called,
"Barefoot in the Garden."
I'm living my dream of working from home and l'm Lovin it!
I have been able to enjoy the relaxed lifestyle that so many people
only dream of. I'm so thankful for the technology we have today that makes it
possible to "Live in the Sticks" and still make a decent living.

Perfect Industry
Perfect Timing

Learn more about the company here

Get Started on the Fast Start Program here

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